Why Do We Homeschool?, Part 1

Before we get too far into this homeschooling journey together, I thought it would worthwhile to write a brief declaration in answer to the question I hear most often, "Why do you homeschool?" Because, in truth, the "whys" of a matter generally determine the "hows". With a full understanding of our logic...or more accurately, our passion for homeschooling...you'll begin to see why we choose some curriculums over others, invest our time on certain projects while opting out of the rest, point our educational goals in one direction vs. another. Hopefully, in the coming weeks as you follow us along our path, you will begin to recognize the "whys" as they seep through the "hows" of our daily happenings.   

We Homeschool because we were CALLED to homeschooling by God.

Like all our monumental parenting decisions, our resolve to homeschool came after much prayerful deliberation. We felt that as believers, we had to sincerely consider all three of our educational options (public school, private Christian school, and homeschooling) and sift them through a grid of Scripture. We, certainly, did not want to make a twelve-year commitment to something without first praying about it and then waiting for that Still Small Voice of confirmation to propel us in one particular direction or another.

As I mention in the "About" page, my husband did not instantly jump on board. It took some time for him to see God's direction in all of this. But, after surrendering his will to God's plan...WHATEVER that would be...the Hubs, eventually did see God clearly leading us to educate our children from home.

That being said, I am in NO WAY determining that Homeschooling is the ONLY choice for Christian parents. What I AM saying is that if our family is to be in complete submission to God, it is the ONLY choice for US...at least until He points us in a new direction.

Just as I firmly believe that Christians are not all called to be pastors or foreign missionaries, I also believe that Christians are not all called to homeschooling, but I think we ALL would be remiss if we did not at least be available and willing to do so if that is part of the story that God has for our lives.

And so, with clear affirmation and peace about God's direction, we stepped out into our "Jordan River" fully expecting God to part the waters for us...and He has!

For the rest of the story...

Why do you homeschool?  I'd love to hear from you.


  1. I could write a whole page on why I homeschool, so I'll just give one reason. The flexible schedule is a big one for us. My husband's day off is Monday and works some odd hours during the week. I love that we can all be together when works for our family and not whatever schedule the school has.

    This looks great, friend! I am really looking forward to reading your future posts. Thanks for the blog mention!

  2. So I haven't yet told you, mainly because we have few precious moments to talk when I can actually get you on the phone but my love and I have decided to homeschool the youngest for the next couple of years. She is young enough where school is not yet required so instead of paying for a private school to teach her earlier than required because at this point we really cannot afford it, we will be teaching her on the Abeka curriculum. It is the same one that the private school her older sister is attending uses so if we do end up sending her there in two years she will be current with the rest of the population. If future homeschooling is encouraged from God we will then do both girls. Keep it in your prayers for me as to His future direction. Looking forward to reading your words of wisdom since, like previously stated, it is a bit difficult to have quality/quantity phone time with you.
