Glad to Meetcha Top 10

I'm so glad you're here! It's always nice to know I'm not alone in this journey called home schooling. 
Let's sit a spell and get to know each other a little better, shall we?

You grab your cup of coffee and I'll grab mine. We'll call this the cyber-momma version of speed-dating...only without the date...and maybe without the speed because I'm a talks-long-and-loud kinda girl.

I'll start.

Here are the top ten things you should know about little 'ole me.

Meet Jamie

1.  I am a SINNER saved by God's unexplainable grace.  

I KNOW there is nothing good in me save for Christ and CHRIST ALONE!  

2.  I am hopelessly in love with my college sweetheart.  

Ours is a love affair that was written long before we were even born by One who knows us even more than we know ourselves.  Nearly a decade-and-a-half has gone by since our "happen-chance" meeting and the Hubs is still just as dreamy as ever!

3.  I, like so many other mommas, suffer from "mommy guilt." 

The Deceiver spins his infamous web of lies telling me that I have to be super mom, super wife, super friend, super (you fill in the blank).  And too often, I believe him.  I fail to remember that He who began a good work in my children will preform it until the day of His return...not because of my "best laid plans", but IN SPITE of them.

4.  I am a regional transplant.  

The Hubs and I came from two COMPLETELY opposite ends of the country, met in an entirely different state, and settled 30 minutes from his hometown.  I'm a big city, southern girl in a small, northern town and often feel like an elephant in the room.  With over a decade under my belt, I feel slightly more at home, but am still a work in progress.

5.  I like...OK...LOOOOOVE to talk.  

I can totally relate with Anne Shirley when she says, "If you only knew how much I WANTED to say and DIDN'T!"  Unfortunately, like Anne, I often put my foot in my mouth, which is why blogging suites me...I can say whatever it is I want to say.  But, find safety in having a "delete" button within a pinky's reach.

6.  I disdain unsolicited advice.  

I'm more of a "I'll figure it out myself" kinda girl.

7.  I get a little giddy in the stationery department of Target.  

My heart skips a beat when I see all those pretty planners, notebooks, binders, and organizational tools.  Some girls have a million pairs of shoes or handbags. I have an embarrassingly large assortment of stationery supplies.

8.  I count myself blessed to have five women in my life that continue to speak TRUTH to me.  

Even when it hurts.  If you've been around these parts for any length of time, you've already met three of them.  Someday, I hope to introduce you to the other two.

9.  The Hubs affectionately refers to me as "the family goat."  

Before you write him an impassioned email replete with's quite true...I AM the family goat. With the exception of ALL melons and any egg-based breakfast bread (french toast, popovers, bread pudding, etc.), I will eat...and LOOOVE...any food put before me.  Trust me, I make a great dinner guest!

10.  If you surprise me with a dark chocolate mocha topped with a drizzle of caramel, I'll be your friend for life.  

Ok, so that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but my obsession for a cup of coffee is NOT.  In fact, the Hubs has mentioned on more than one occasion that I should host a "Where's Waldo-esque?" style contest to see if all of you can find the cup of coffee lurking in just about every Unlikely Homeschool photo.

So there you have a somewhat lengthy "nutshell".  Glad to meetcha! And now you. Tell me a little bit about yourself.


  1. oh a starbucks meeting would be so fun :) loved your post... the family goat? lol!!! I also appreciate the women in my life who speak truth. what a blessing from God!

    1. They sure are. Thanks for stopping in, Jenilee.

  2. Oh I get what you are saying about your "heart skipping a beat" in the stationary department. I always tell people it would be so fun to buy a new calender each month and organize it. hahahha!! Something about organization. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad I am not the only one.... oh and a beautiful color coordinated calendar, perfect!

  3. From someone who knows you just a little- it was entirely entertaining to read this and learn just little more. You are a gem, Jamie! And I am tickled to read this. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Wendy! Would love to read a list from you.

  4. A kindred spirit! I LOVE Anne Shirley, and yes, a fancy coffee drink would definitely push me in the direction of calling someone my newest bff!

    1. More kindred spirits! My daughter and I are going through the movie series right now. We still have to finish the last video. So fun to share Anne (with an "e") with her. :)

    2. Sweetie Pea and I love to watch them together too. It's been a while, though. I should drag those out again some rainy Saturday.

    3. I have grown up a true southern Alabamian girl myself and absolutely LOVE Anne (with an 'e') I am now passing that on to our 3 girls and I never tire of her! I think if we were honest there is a little bit of Anne in all of us! But I wanted to say its such a blessing to meet kindred spirits JUST like me! I am new to the homeschooling so new I havent done it yet but I am starting this fall and I am so scared and nervous of failing our girls! I do not know where to start either so I am just winging it on a prayer for now and the advice of many women yourself included! Any ideas on how to start out would be wonderful!

    4. Julie, What an exciting year this will be for you! I have a few posts geared specifically for "newbies". If you click on Homeschooling 101...the ACTUAL words, not any of the drop down'll be able to read all the posts that deal with "the basics".

  5. I loved reading through your're hilarious!

  6. The one about you loving to talk and enjoying a blog with a delete button sounds very familiar. :) I also enjoy Anne and coffee and am a sinner saved by grace and really don't like unsolicited advice either (I often have to pray about my attitude on that one!) and love my college sweetheart hubby and will eat (and thoroughly enjoy) any food that I don't have to cook for myself and I also really, really like school/paper/writing/organizing supplies. :)

  7. Hey, I just found your blog and wanted to say hi! I look forward to reading more about you and your family. I'm a homeschooling mother of 8 with one on the way. feel free to check out my blog sometime.

  8. I had to giggle...I am a small town northern girl living in a big southern city! Total opposites! :) I grew up in the rolling farm fields of Pennsylvania but I now find myself living in Louisville, KY. Very different worlds. I have lived here 8 years and I think I am finally feeling more at home. The hardest thing was getting used to the slower pace of life. I have heard it's even slower the farther south you go...don't think I could live much further south or I would have issues. :)

  9. Hi Jamie~ I am a Ozark country girl living in the city ( wishing I didn't). I have a few passions that I get all giddy about. Herbal Medicine, Fermented foods, Jars especially ones with locking lids ( I know ..strange) and Good ol' back to the basics simple living (life skillz i call em) <3! Nutty flavored coffees with half n half, is a Must ...1/2 pot a day ;) I LOVE to everyone (no strangers I meet) ok ...almost! I am a sinner in daily need of his forgiveness..thankfully he knows me and I know Jesus. I come from a line of strong women, and it is in my blood that I am a take charge kinda gal (or sometimes overbearing) prayer appreciated :) I love learning, we are on our 5yr of homeschool. My two boys hate homeschool and wish they could go to baby girl aked me to keep all the books so she could homeschool her babies :) I am a food snob...I don't care to eat out much.."because it isn't very good and I/WE make better for cheaper" hubs looks too! I work prt time and hate to leave for work, but am thankful! This was fun thanks for sharing!!

    1. Ha and did I mention I <3 the outdoors!

    2. Herbal meds, fermented foods, and jars are way up there on my list too! I love finding old jars at garage sales and thrift shops and repurposing them.

    3. I squealed when I read this HAA!! THE THRIFTSTORE is MY FAVORITE STORE!! How fun it is to find someone who shares the same anomalies :) Oh look Bosom pals haaa :)

  10. Loved this! I share the stationary aisle tidbit!

    1. There's just something about new pens and fancy paper.

  11. *Stationery (stationary is the adjective that means not moving). Just being helpful!
