First Day of School Traditions {Link-Up}

First Day of Homeschool Traditions

In a little over two weeks, we'll be sharpening our pencils for the first day of the 2012-2013 school year.  Although every year brings a slightly new spin on our academia, most of our first day happenings remain constant.

For the past few years, I have scheduled a separate "first day" for each one of my school age littles.  I generally begin with the youngest learner first.  It just makes for a very smooth START when you start with the easiest and most simple lessons.  So this year, Blonde Warrior will have his very own first day of kindergarten...ALL BY HIMSELF.  Since no one else will have school that day, we will not do any of our combined subjects (history, science, geography, etc.)  We will only concentrate on Kindergarten-specific learning.  The next day will be Super Boy's turn...and so on.  Greased Lightening is a rather young preschooler, as he will turn three only days before the school year starts, so I am going to hold off starting him for a few weeks...maybe even months...

The following Monday, after everyone has had their OWN very first day, we will all do school together, and the school year will have an OFFICIAL start.  

Why do I have a separate first day for each one of my kids?  Well, my reasons are two-fold.

  1. Shouldn't EVERY child have a chance to be celebrated?  On that day, the entire family gets to be a cheerleading team, encouraging that ONE little learner.  At dinner, he/she is awarded the Family Celebration Plate, prayed over, and given a chance to recount the day's highlights for the Hubs.  In a family this large, it can be difficult for a child to find opportunity for SINGULAR success.  The first day of school is one way to make that happen.
  2. After a summer of a schedule-less schedule, starting with one child at a time makes for a smooth transition not only for my kids, but also for me.  It gives this momma an opportunity to "warm up" before I'm thrust head-long into crazy-business.
First day of school traditions
Our Family Celebration Plate

Often times, my mother-in-law will put together a fun "First Day of School" gift box with special school supplies and treats for EVERYONE.  (Remember, the first day of school can be a rather sad day for your littlest of littles if it feels like Christmas for EVERYONE ELSE.  Although Greased Lightening won't be starting for quite a bit, I've already set aside some special school supplies just for him.)

First day of homeschool traditions

After a slow-and-easy start to our year, I always try to wrap up the first OFFICIAL day with a quick trip to the library, a local park, or the beach (depending upon the weather) sense giving up on summer fun simply because the calendar reads AUGUST or SEPTEMBER.  

Head on over to my First/Last Day Traditions Pinterest board for a few more ideas.

So that's how we begin at the beginning.  What about you?  How do you launch into learning again?  Come and link up your first day of school traditions!

First Day, Hooray!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="First Day, Hooray!"><img src="" alt="First Day, Hooray!" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

First Day, Hooray! Nitty Gritty
  1. Link up your first day of school traditions including special schedules, crafts, field-trips...anything that makes the first day stand out from all the rest.
  2. Please post the URL of a SPECIFIC post, not the URL of your entire blog.
  3. Try to visit at least two other posts and leave a comment.  Everyone loves COMMENTS!
  4. Be sure to add a First Day, Hooray! button or text back link to your post.
  5. The link will be open from Aug.15th- Sept. 15th, so feel free to swing back and link up later.


  1. Oh, gosh, I never thought about doing a blog post about first day traditions, but we do have some. First, the weekend before I sit down with each of my learners and go through new/old textbooks, workbooks and work binders, explaining anything new. (Lots of new stuff this year!) And then we just head first into a full day of school the day after Labor Day! But we usually have a special dinner and dessert that night.

    1. I love new stuff. My kids are always curious when I bring out a book that they've never seen before.

  2. Love those school supplies form MIL! :)

  3. I love the idea of having a separate "first day of school" for each child! This would be especially valuable for my younger children, who can be so easily overlooked in the middle of a busy homeschool day.
    Thanks for hosting this link-up! :-)

    1. Glad you linked up! You are right. It is the little ones that often get overlooked.
