
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

10 Reasons My Kids Like Being Homeschooled

My kids have never mentioned any desire to go to a traditional school.  In fact, I think if you asked them, they'd say they looooove being homeschooled.  I wish I could say that it was because of my riveting lesson plans and thought provoking discussions.  But, alas...I don't think either one of those motivations would qualify for the "10 Reasons My Kids Like Being Homeschooled" list hosted by a fabulous group of bloggers from the iHomeschool Network.  

But what DID make the list?  Well, since half of my brood are a bit too young to formulate a thorough explanation of their own personal TOP 10, I thought I'd take the liberty to insert their list via a momma "proxy."

The Unlikely Homeschool kids like being homeschooled because...

THE NEWBIE-2 months

10.  I never have to cry for very long before NOT one, BUT five pairs of feet come running.  My sibs are not away at a traditional school and can answer to my every whim!  

9.  I hear all kinds of academia happening throughout the day, so I might very well learn all my division facts before I learn to walk.

Greased Lightening-2 1/2 years

8.  I've never stood on the curb and cried while the big yellow bus carted my best friends off for the entire day.

7.  When the big kids use acrylic paint during art time, I get to use it too.  Does it count if my canvas is the couch cushion?

Blonde Warrior-4 years (just completed Pre-K)

6.  Sometimes PJs are the best school uniform.

5.  I could quite possibly be the only four-year-old you know that re-enacts the entire Boston Tea Party in the bath tub.

Super Boy-6 years (just completed Kindergarten)

4.  We don't have assigned seats in the "lunch room", so I get to sit next to my best friend EVERYDAY!  (That would be Dad.)  But, he never wants to trade sandwiches with me.

3.  I can't practice my math facts unless I am wearing some kind of fire retardant super hero cape.

Sweetie Pea-8 years (Just completed 3rd grade)

2.  I don't need to have a crush on Justin Bieber simply because 20 other girls my age do.  In fact, I don't even know who he is!

1.  I am at the top of my class....because I am the only one in it!

Well that's our list.  Join us again next Tuesday when I share our Top 10 favorite Read Alouds.  In the meantime, what's on your Top 10 Reasons list.  Be sure to link it up with Angie at Many Little Blessings. 


  1. What a fabulous list! I bet if the little ones could provide an explanation they would come up with the exact same list. Very creative post.

  2. WOW! Great list! :)

  3. Such a fun list. Very creative! Makes me thankful once again to homeschool.

    1. We all need a good reminder, every once in a while, about why we keep at it!
