
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

Disclosure and Privacy Policy

The Unlikely Homeschool is an online, faith-based ministry dedicated to encouraging and equipping homeschool parents deep in the trenches of training and teaching their children.


At times, I receive income from sponsors or advertisers in the form of free products, advertising fees, and/or monetary compensation. All posts containing potential revenue-making links are designated as such with the words, "This post contains affiliate links." Many of these companies use cookies or web beacons in order to show tailored ads to you.

That being said, please know that I affiliate with purpose. Your respect for my opinion means a great deal to me. I never want to compromise your belief in my word by endorsing an underwhelming product in order to make a fast buck. I know that most homeschoolers are living on a one-income budget in a two-income world. I promise to value your time and resources by only recommending products and vendors that I hold with high regard.

All the opinions provided in my product reviews, whether compensated or not, are thorough and expressly my own. I am not responsible if your experiences vary.

The Unlikely Homeschool is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to theunlikelyhomeschool.net.


Your privacy is important to me. The policy below outlines how your personal information is collected and how it is used when you use this website.

By using this The Unlikely Homeschool blog, you are agreeing to the following terms. This privacy policy may change from time to time. If any changes are made, then you will be notified by my revising the date at the bottom of this policy.

About The Unlikely Homeschool

Founded in 2012 and based in the United States, The Unlikely Homeschool is an independently operated blog run by Jamie Erickson.

Information is collected

  • if you subscribe to my newsletter via email
  • if you leave a comment on the blog
  • if you purchase a product via The Unlikely Homeschool Shop
  • through website cookies and log files
  • through Google Analytics


If you decide to join the monthly newsletter via any of the many sign up forms located throughout this website, then your first name and email address are required. I require your email address in order to send you the emails and I require your first name so that my emails to you will include a friendly personalized note.

At the bottom of every email I send, you will find a link to unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. If you are having trouble unsubscribing or would like to be removed from the newsletter, then simply send me an email at [email protected] asking to be removed.

I currently use Mailerlite as my email service provider (read their privacy policy here). Your data is collected and then passed to them. Tags are used within Mailerlite to track your actions and page visits so that future emails can be better tailored to meet your needs.

Currently, I send an average of two emails per month. However, I will occasionally email you about products and other promotions that may be relevant to your interests.

I hate spam just as much as you, so rest assured your email and name will never be sold or given away to a third party.

All emails you receive are CAN-SPAM compliant. At the bottom of every email, you will find information on how to contact the sender, as well as information on how to unsubscribe.

Blog Comments

Love something you read on my blog? Then leaving a comment is a great way to do that! I personally love hearing your feedback. If you choose to leave a comment on a blog post, then please be aware that your email address will never be shared or disclosed, but your name and comment will always be visible to others.

It is highly recommended that you avoid leaving detailed personal information in your comments.

I reserve the right to remove comments deemed as inappropriate, threatening, profane, or spammy without notice.

Shop Purchases

Products in The Unlikely Homeschool Shop are sold via Ecwid Your name, email address, and street address is required during the checkout process. This information is necessary in order to send you the purchased product and to determine whether or not the EU VAT tax should be applied to your purchase.

The details you enter are stored by the third-party applications. All payments are made through PayPal and/or credit card, which does not store your financial information once the transaction has been processed.

I also sell products via affiliate programs. Each program collects and retains its own data. I do not have access to the personal information that is collected by these affiliate programs. It is best to read their individual privacy policies for more information on how your data is collected and used.


Cookies store user-specific information into a log. I use the following cookies on The Unlikely Homeschool.

Google Analytics

The Unlikely Homeschool uses Google Analytics to track website performance and user behavior. It provides information on page views, referral sources, and other valuable information that helps me adapt the content I write for this website. Google Analytics does capture anonymous data about location, age, gender, and interests, but I have no way to connect that information and specifically identify you. Google Analytics may also capture your IP address as you make your way around this website. You can read more about that here.

Social Media Privacy

The Unlikely Homeschool uses various social media platforms. To that end, I am not responsible for what you post on The Unlikely Homeschool's social media channels.

Parental Consent

If you are under 16 years old, you must first have parental permission before using this website or entering personal information.

Final Notes on this Privacy Policy

You have the right to access your personal data and know how it is being processed. Hopefully, the policy above adequately explains how your data is used.

Personal information will not be transferred unless I am legally obligated to do so. If you would like your information to be removed from my systems, please contact me at [email protected]. You can request to be removed at any time.

The Unlikely Homeschool contains links to other websites and is not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites or the third party applications it uses.


The information provided on The Unlikely Homeschool is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent medical or mental health conditions. Please make your own informed decisions regarding your healthcare by seeking the advice of a trained medical professional.

Updated May 24, 2018.