FoxMind Equilibrio Review

A few months back while at a homeschool mom's support group meeting, one of my friends was sharing about a game she had recently discovered at the annual homeschool convention.  It seemed like a game that would captivate my builder boys and more importantly, could be played with just one player...perfect for those school days when each of my littles are engrossed in their own personal projects.

Needless to say, I was excited when the creative folks at FoxMind sent me the 2010 Creative Toy Awards Game of the Year, Equilibrio.  


This wonderfully unique game is in their Architecto line of products and is just one of four spacial visualization games designed to challenge young minds in complex structure building.

Equilibrio Contents

At a cost of $34.95, the game comes with the following:

•  18 solid plastic "Geoblocks" which can be used with all four of the Architecto games
• 1 rules booklet that also includes 60 illustrations of complex geometric puzzles and a few building clues for the more difficult constructions

Equilibrio Booklet

Object of the game:

Choose one of the puzzle illustrations in the game booklet, each of which are color-coded for graduated skill level.  Select the suggested Geoblocks listed in the "legend" and use your imagination to recreate the chosen structure.  The real challenge comes when trying to determine the best possible sequence of stacking in order to keep it all "upright."  Victory is yours when you correctly stack all the 3-dimensional pieces without tumbling the tower.

 Equilibrio Construction

Although it might seem rather simple, many of the suggested puzzles have numerous pieces balancing precariously on the thin edge of the pieces below them.  

Equilibrio Tower

It is easy to see why Equilibrio, as well as the other three award winning games in the Architecto Line, was such a hit for my friend and her son.  These brain building games help develop the cognitive skills necessary for higher level reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving.  Children and adults, alike, can gain valuable dexterity and hand-eye coordination as they duplicate these 2-dimensional patterns.

As an added bonus, my kiddos loved it!  Although each game only takes around five minutes to complete (perfect for a short burst of fun on a busy school day), they all gathered round and took turns for over an hour building and rebuilding towers, excited to turn the page and discover a new challenge to conquer.  Despite the fact that this one person game has a suggested age of 5+, Greased Lightening and Blonde Warrior were able to toss the book aside and use the blocks to "free style" their own towers.  

Equilibrio Construction

Want to try it out for yourself?

My friends at FoxMind have generously offered up Architecto, the original award winner of the Architecto line.  It is very similar to Equilibrio, but with an age rage of 7+, has more advanced 3-dimensional structures in its pattern booklet.  Head on over to FoxMind and see for yourself.  And while you're there, be sure to check out their long list of other noteworthy games.

You can also visit them at:

Just follow the simple instructions from Rafflecopter.  There are nine chances to register to win.  Simply click on the +sign for every entry you wish to make.  

***Mandatory Entry:  To enter, be sure to leave a comment in the "comments" section telling me what sounds most appealing about this great game.  (Remember, simply leaving a comment does not ensure entry.  You also have to click the +5 after you have LEFT a comment.)

Good luck and thanks for following The Unlikely Homeschool!

For more free giveaways, visit Hip Homeschool Moms.

No purchase necessary to win. Must be a 18 years of age and a US resident to enter. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Facebook.  Odds of winning are based on the number of entrees. A winner will be randomly selected using Rafflecopter and will be announced Monday, July 9, 2012 Disclaimer:  This was an affiliate review.  Although I received a free productI have given an honest review.  All thoughts have been my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love that the games don't take long. They can take a break from a subject and do a puzzle. Then go back to a lesson.. but really their "break" they are learning!

  2. This seems like a great game! I'm homeschooling two children (as opposed to one) for the first time this coming school year and looking for ideas to keep one busy while I work with the other. It looks like this would fit the bill! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow, this looks awesome!! I have 3 in "school" this year, and I love that it would work for a broad range of stages.

  4. I have three boys and one has a very active brain (hands on). I have given him play dough to mess with while listening to the lecture portions of learning when we only have one book instead of four for each of us. It really helps guys to have something in hand while connecting. He is not learning disabled or anything--just hates being indoors where forts are not made. I wish I had many mediums for them to handle because you can get BORED easily with just playdough.

  5. I love that this game is hands on and brains on! My kids would love to play it.

  6. I love hands-on games that appeal to my visual spatial learner. She will adore this.

  7. The most appealing thing is that it's hands-on. I also love that it has easily modified difficulty levels.

  8. We would love to add this to our collection. I love that it has levels of difficulty and uses so many skills for little learners all at the same time.

  9. My boys love their legos, I do too, but would like them to branch out a bit in the world of building. I appreciate the educational value of this as well as the flexibility of one player or the boys playing together by taking turns. Thanks for the offer!

  10. Love that this is as educational as it is fun for my kids

  11. I like that they can play it alone and can sit and have time to think about what they are doing.

  12. I love that this the Architecto line promotes hands on learning in a different way than most other products (such as Legos). With my husband being an Engineer and my son taking after his over analytical thinking this would be a hit in our family!

  13. My daughter loves playing with blocks, I love the challenge and educational aspects of the games.

  14. This game sounds just like something my building boy would love! He loves following lego directions and this would require more balancing skill? perfect...

  15. I like the visual perceptual component and that it is easily portable.

  16. I love the problem solving that goes with this game. They think they are taking a break....but they are still learning!

  17. Problem solving and fun at the same time! Love it!

  18. That the child has to really think and concentrate - something I am looking for all the time for my kids

  19. I'm excited about a game that might keep my boys still for more than 2 minutes! It would be great for small motor skill development as well.
