What's My Net Worth?

A while ago, I was offered my old job back teaching at the local Christian School.  Without hesitation, I turned it down.  But for quite some time after that, the "professional" opportunity gave me pause and encouraged me to take stock of my "job."  Is staying at home to homeschool my children worth it?  or should I join the ranks of the working world to earn a larger net worth?

Granted, homeschooling my children requires sacrifices.  Certainly, I wish I had more "free time," adult conversations, time to enjoy baking...sewing...scrapbooking...reading...PAUSING, a larger bank account, the ability to go grocery shopping on a lunch break and not have to have five kids in tow, the opportunity to have bonafide sick days, and the list goes on...

But when I consider my "net worth" in light of eternity, I'd have to conclude that NO OTHER job could pay me more!  Here's a look at my paycheck.

As a homeschool mom, I have the opportunity to...

Be present for the everyday milestones.

Share much-needed one-on-one time.

Encourage them in their natural gifts.

Inspire their personal creativity.

Captivate them with "whatsoever is good", not whatsoever is popular.

Glimpse siblings becoming best friends, not just pesky annoyances.

Cheer for EVERY success and encourage after EVERY failure.

Instill a life-long love of learning.

Inspire first tries.

Nurture a love for God and a love for others within them.

Train them...as Scripture says.  Not just delegate that to someone else.

Raise "abnormal" kids...and be grateful for that!

Yes, I do often "sow" in sacrifices, but I "reap" in eternal dividends.  And I would consider that to be an IMMEASURABLE net worth.

Have you tallied your net worth lately?  
Sometimes we all need a little reminder.


  1. What a great reminder of what this journey is truly worth!

  2. Great post. I love being there for my kids - through the good and the bad, the "every day" and the super fun days. I wouldn't trade it. I'm very grateful to the Lord for this opportunity to be "mom" - a homeschooling one at that. :)

    1. Whole-heartedly agree. Some days are easier than others, though.

  3. I love the 'raising abnormal kids' - so true, and what a privilege :-D Here from the Hop!

  4. I loved reading this! It has helped to remind me that giving up my career to be there for when my son learns to crawl, clap his hands, walk, talk, etc is amazing and there is no better gift than to experience all those first first hand!

  5. Love, Love, Love this! I am planning to homeschool little man and I know I will run into these kind of feeling so I pinned this to remember then.

    1. oh, and I would love to have you link this up to my linky party! http://domesticrandomness.blogspot.com/2012/08/new-to-inlinkz-first-linky-party.html

    2. Glad you liked it. I will have to check out your link party.

  6. That made me cry! So, so true! Thank you for the reminders!!
