
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

Notebooking Pages For All Ages! {Notebooking Pages Review}

Notebooking Pages for all ages! - The Unlikely Homeschool

A couple months ago, when we began our Greek History unit, I plunked down around $19 for a companion set of pre-fabbed lapbooking/notebooking pages. I won't name names as I don't like to mud sling, but I was highly disappointed in the product I received. Half of the pages were geared toward much older kids and another large chunk of them did not apply to the specific topics we were studying.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a big fan of notebooking (educational journaling), and so I was determined to provide some better-quality pages for my kids.

(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for full details.)

Enter Notebooking Pages!

A premier, online notebooking page generator that provides access to hundreds of pre-designed notebooking pages, as well as a web app for making customizable pages for ANY topic or theme you want, including custom copy work or handwriting pages! 

Notebooking Pages for all ages! - The Unlikely Homeschool

With my LIFETIME membership, I was able to download these Greek Drama pages. As there were several to choose from, I could select individual styles to meet the needs of my individual learners. My first grade-artist boy was able to use a page with a large "canvas" for re-creating a scene from a re-enactment of the Trojan War, while my fourth grade-writer girl could use a page with a larger journaling section to let WORDS "color" her page.

Same topic.  Different ages and personalities.

Notebooking Pages for all ages! - The Unlikely Homeschool

While I prefer the "no-fuss, no muss" pre-designed pages, my daughter has been exploring the Notebooking Publisher web app in hopes of creating a few items for her current independent project. (A little peek over her shoulder showed a mini-book in the works. But it also could have been a pictorial timeline. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!)

Notebooking Pages for all ages! - The Unlikely Homeschool

Notebooking Pages and its well-organized treasury of themed pages have also come in handy this month while we are creating our end-of-the-year project booth for our annual co-op program. Even my kindergartener has helped design our display board while coloring the Egyptian flag printable found in the 125+ page Egyptian Geography notebooking set.

All ages!

What I like about Notebooking Pages

I think it's obvious that my FAVORITE feature of Notebooking Pages is its wide range of pages that meet the needs of a wide range of ages and personalities.  

I also greatly appreciate the many helpful video tutorials on everything from WHAT IS NOTEBOOKING to CREATING YOUR OWN NOTEBOOKING PAGES. I'm a bit non-techy and need all the help I can get! The great thing is, if I can create a well-crafted page (Or if my nine-year-old daughter can do it, for that matter!), anyone can do it.

The all-in-one-spot site makes it possible for me to explore notebooking pages for subjects we have never notebooked before such as Bible or personal character.  It gives me the courage to add more notebooking to our days knowing that I don't have to spend hours searching the internet for just the right page.

As all the pages, including customizable pages that I am currently drafting, are accessible on the online site whenever or wherever, I don't have to worry about saving any files on a zip drive or emailing them to myself in order to print them when we are at the library, or co-op, or grandmas, or...
They are always available whether I remember to print them before we go...or not! {ahem!}

The Nitty-Gritty of Notebooking Pages

Free Members Resources

In the Free Resource Center of Notebooking Pages, registered users have access to many free notebooking tools, monthly subscriber freebies, as well as a free product sampler.

The Notebooking Shop

Individual sets and notebooking bundles can be purchased in the Notebooking Shop. So, if you are looking for just one specific item, such as the Egyptian Geography bundle I downloaded, you can purchase that as a stand-alone item for just $4.95.

Notebooking Pages Lifetime Membership

The LIFETIME membership provides access to ALL past, present, and future notebooking downloads. In addition, members receive one free year to the notebooking web-app, Notebooking Publisher.

For more info on Notebooking Pages
Be sure to visit them on Twitter or Facebook.  In the meantime, here's a little video to help answer your questions.

And a few FREEBIES to get you started.
*I was given a LIFETIME membership to Notebooking Pages in exchange for a thorough review.  I also received monetary compensation for my time spent in reviewing the product.  All opinions expressed were true and completely my own.  I am not responsible if your experiences vary.


  1. I have been wanting to have my daughter start a Bible history journal, as we start our overview of all the books of the Bible. These pages sound like just what I need!

  2. Forgot to add my email! Smenzmer(at)gmail.com

    Thank you!

  3. This is a great review! I love the picture of your daughter using the Publisher App - I love it that kids can use this -- probably better than adults! ;-)

  4. There are so many subjects to choose from. I think I would download something to do with either states or countries. My kids and I have been talking a lot about the 50 states and what their state flag, animals, birds and flowers are. My youngest son was just asking about how many countries there. Again, so many choices! [email protected]

  5. My daughter has just started notebooking and really enjoys it. Anything I can do to assist in the learning process is a bonus!

  6. I have recently just discovered notebooking and would love to incorporate it next year!

  7. Our subject choice for notebooking would be The State Study pages. We are planning to travel this summer and I think it would make a great addition to our learning!

  8. First I would unleash my artist 11YO daughter to create a page for whatever she wanted.

  9. My daughter would immediately gravitate to anything Revolutionary War!

  10. I think my kids would want to get started quickly with the Plants and Trees study. ~Colleen P

  11. I stumbled across Notebooking Pages just the other day. I love the site! We have already downloaded some of their freebies. If I had access to all of it, I would probably start with some of their pre-fab, blank templates to get ready for our Bible work for next year since we are doing a memory verse study for the first part of the year.
    - Lori

  12. I would love this to get our Notebooking Journey started. We are going to be doing the American Revolutionary War starting this fall.

  13. I would start with the science basics! My soon to be kindergartener loves science!

  14. Modern times looks really interesting. Thanks for the review.

  15. We are starting history here! Science for K also.

  16. We would start with a States study. So excited to start Notebooking.

  17. We are doing story of the world vol. 1 next year so anything ancient egypt would be great!

  18. My youngest has special needs, fine motor delay, and dysgraphia. I think Notebooking would encourage him to "write" some more! I think our first download would be Astronomy. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!

  19. I would start with George Washington and the Revolution.

  20. I would use any type of science experiment or scientist biography notebooking pages. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I would love to get some Fire Truck/Fire Fighter notepages! We are going on a field trip to the fire station next week and this would tie in perfectly for him to journal his experience :)

  22. I love notebooking pages! The first thing I'd download would be the astronomy pages.

  23. We are just starting to find the joy in notebooking. Science is a favorite around here.

  24. We are planning a trip around the world, so I would probably pick pages that had to do with countries, cultures, or animals from various places.

  25. I would get the Nature Study on Mammals - a huge hit around here right now.

  26. There is so much I would get! I would probably start with one of the getting started bundles. Other than that, I'd choose some of the United States geography sets.

  27. I would start with a getting started bundle or maybe a science notebooking page. I printed off a freebie and we decided that we really want to change our pace to notebooking instead of workbooks. I am still a stickler for math workbooks and texts but we want to use notebooking for some of the other subjects we cover and also check out where you can create them. I have really creative kids and this type of learning is just what we need but I am still learning how to adjust to this style from the traditional one.

  28. I have been wanting a membership for years, one day funds will allow it I hope. We are currently studying ancient history and I have had trouble finding pages for many of the ancient civilizations, especially Mesopotamia, so that would be the first topic I would check out.

  29. We would use this with story of the world.

  30. We are going to study composers next school year, so I would use that one first.

  31. We will be starting a unit on Italy soon, so something to go along with that.

  32. We would use some pages on the Middle Ages.

  33. Probably Middle Ages as that is our current history topic!

  34. State History next year is on the agenda of learning!

  35. This fall will be my first time homeschooling and we are using MFW and my oldest will be using the Exploring Countries and Cultures so probably some geography to go along with that would be first!

  36. I would love to do some bible and history note booking!

  37. My daughter will love pages on ancient egypt. Cool site!

  38. My daughter is 3yrs old so I think I would start with the A-Z Animals in the fall.

  39. I've seen this before and would love to have this!

  40. Thanks for the thorough review of notebooking! My daughter is going into 6th grade and one of the first things we are studying is Ancient Rome / Greece. We would definitely start there!

  41. We have been using notebooking pages since my oldest was in preschool and LOVE them!

  42. I forgot to mention that we will be using American History notebooking pages for grades 2 & 7 next year.

  43. My kids love geography and ancient Egypt, so I'd probably look for one of those first.

  44. We are studying US History, so we'd head there first, but it all looks wonderful!

  45. I think I'd download pages about states, as we will be making a cross-country road trip this summer. :)

  46. My kids love Egypt so that would be our first download!

  47. We just wrapped up this year but I would love this for the next school year. Not sure what I would download first because I am still researching next year's curriculum but I would definitely make it part of our days.

  48. We would really enjoy nature studies

  49. Is this mostly for the younger kids or will this work for High Schoolers as well?

    1. Most definitely for ALL ages! Yes, highschoolers too!

  50. Do you still recommend notebookingpages.com? They’re doing away with their lifetime membership this month and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it or not. I have 5 kids, the youngest being 3 so I have many years of homeschooling left- but there is so much free out there that it’s hard to decide. I know you got it free,but would you pay $97 out of pocket to keep it at this point?

    1. Absolutely worth it for the lifetime membership, especially considering that you have many years ahead of you.
