
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015

2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

Like his older sister, my Blonde Warrior started school a bit early. He was ready. He was eager. He was itchin' to learn.  

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Homeschooling affords me the luxury of saying "yes" to the natural bents and gifts of my kids. I can follow the rhythm of their passions and create a tailor-made educational plan that works for them.

And so, at three, he learned to read. At four, he started kindergarten. And now...at six entering his second grade year, he continues to press forward...to reach past the "expectations" prescribed by the curriculum. He's not a genius. He doesn't necessarily have an abnormally high IQ...that I know of, anyway. He's just a regular boy that has been granted permission to break out of the schooling mold and learn at his own pace. He's got educational strengths and weaknesses. But doesn't everyone?  I just choose NOT to let either one of those ends of the spectrum dictate what he can and can not learn. I choose to challenge him.

And, he's accepted the challenge.

Here's what his year will look like.

Content-rich subjects

Blonde Warrior will be joining with his siblings to learn all of the content-rich subjects like science and history AND certain subjective-subjects like art and creative writing.  To avoid redundancy, I'll not write a lengthy list of all of those titles.  Instead, you can view those here>>

Personal Devotions

  • The Picture Bible
  • Gotta Have God for Boys- I've never been too terribly impressed with this series.  Sadly, there is a lack of meaningful devotional books for boys of this age.  For now, this book will have to suffice.  


  • ABeka Phonics 2 (4x a week)- Because of our current reading regime, he will NOT use the ABeka readers that go along with the Phonics 2 program.
  • ABeka Language 2 (4x a week)
  • All About Spelling 2  (4x a week- one lesson will take 5-6 days to complete)
  • continue to write letters to his pen pal (1x a month)
  • read for pleasure (everyday)
  • read a Mom-Assigned book...a classic, biography, or exceptional fiction...that I assign him (4x a week)



Life Skills/Extra Curriculars

  • Help make breakfast, lunch, and dinner one day each week.
  • Typing Instructor (1x a week)
  • Building Thinking Skills (1x a week)- Critical Thinking is a wild card this year due to the addition of a more time consuming history/geography program.  We are going to take each week as it comes...adding Critical Thinking when we can and skipping it when necessary.  
  • Lessons in Responsibility for Boys Level 1- He started this last year but never finished it completely.  He will continue to work through it as time allows.  (1x a week)
  • co-op (2x a month)

It'll be a busy year for him.  
But, I know he's up for the challenge!


  1. I am thrilled with the part of homeschool that allows us to tailor our kiddos' education too! I have an 8 year old second grader that is so because of some major health problems when he was younger. Instead of the stigma of being "held back" or getting discouraged in a tradtional school setting...he is thriving. In his own way, on his own time. I am so grateful! Praising God for the opportunity to homeschool!

  2. I have the lessons in Responsibility and both my boys are working on it this year. Mine are ages 9 and 11 and its our first year homeschooling I thought this would be great as a start to character training for them and I love the curriculum choices you have

  3. How do you do Abeka in 4 days? Is there a post relating to this? Do you skip certain days? Thank you for your help!

    1. Katherine, you can read about it here.
