
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

The Brave Homeschool Planner: A Planner For a Homeschool Mom By a Homeschool Mom

The Brave Homeschool Planner: A Planner For a Homeschool Mom By a Homeschool Mom #Homeschool #Homeschooling #homeschoolplanning

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  1. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway, the planner looks beautiful. The most daunting part of homeschool planning, for me, is creating a daily routine/schedule. I don't want our days too structured or so unstructured that we don't accomplish much. Finding that balance is tricky.

  2. I like planning g but I am scared to stick with the plans I make so I usually go back to a purchased curriculum instead of my own outline. This planner looks awesome.

  3. Honestly, the fall will be our first year and it all seems so daunting! We love being organized but find it a struggle. Looking forward to seeing if this can help us!

  4. The most daunting part is finding time to do the planning and not get caught up with frivolous in-depth planning when not needed Mic Sp

  5. I always need to plan in advance because we live in the mountains so everything is 30+ minutes away.

  6. I'm in the beginning stages of homeschooling and I am details person. This seems like the perfect tool to start the process of homeschooling with a plan! I am just feeling daunting on where to start how to start and the actual start. Can you tell I'm a newbie? I bought your book and cannot wait to dive in and start the process!!

  7. I too have struggled with planners! I would love to try yours out. I recently began following you and enjoy your content. I have trouble planning ahead from overwhelm so this would really help me

  8. What a great giveaway - thank you! The hard part of planning for me is trying to find the balance between being flexible when life gets in the way and being tenacious and getting things done when we ought to.

  9. The daunting part is not feeling like we/I will stay on track. It’s a challenge to walk the line between sticking to a schedule and being flexible.

  10. This looks wonderful! Like others, the most daunting part for me is planning our daily/weekly schedule. The balance between structured and unstructured, between formal lessons and discovery learning/following rabbit trails is the most difficult party for me.

  11. I need a planner to help balance my husbands work schedule around homeschooling. He is self employed and it is important to me as a wife to be there for him and support him while teaching our girls.

  12. This looks amazing! I’ve yet to find a planner that doesn’t have all of the extras -my latest one had a whole section on mom self care and while I could appreciate that, I don’t want it in my planner.

  13. Definitely the planning part! I have a hard time planning out any school knowing we won’t actually stick to it! 😕

  14. Starting the daunting �� curriculum research part of homeschooling for my rising 8th grader that I brought home this next yr from Christian school.

  15. We are a homeschooling family and we have 6 amazing kiddos who all have varying special needs and all who came through the miracle of adoption! We homeschool year-round, so that hospital visits or appointments don't take away from our learning! We also homeschool year-round because we have suffered a lot of personal trauma as a family! Our schedule allows us the time for healing and rest, that we all need! I would love to try your new planner and see if it could possibly help us with our unique needs as a family!❤

  16. I am always looking for a good planner!!! The hard part for me is making sure everything gets done and we stay on track. I think this planner could definitely help.

  17. Thank you! The most frustrating part of homeschool planning is creating a daily routine or schedule. I don't want our days too structured because we like to go with the flow. I need a planner that I can keep us on track but not overwhelming me with too much structure!

  18. The school year that just ended was our first year of homeschooling our 7th grade daughter. I was overwhelmed at first by the planning process and never planned more than a week ahead. For the upcoming year I would like to plan long-term and not feel like I was flying by the seat of my pants!

  19. Looks like a nice planner! I haven’t used one yet but want to this year! It seems hard to plan because of the unexpected. Also the time it takes! But I feel the need to plan more and “wing it” less.

  20. The most daunting part of planning my year is I just don’t know where to start! This planner looks like a good tool to help with that!

  21. Planning and scheduling was always hard because of my husbands constantly changing schedule. Hubby just got a job with consistent hours, so it will be easier to plan, but now planning seems overwhelming because I havent been able to plan a daily routine before. I'm excited to try your new planner as I learn to schedule our day and year.

  22. I am excited about your planner! For me, the most daunting thing is getting back on track after we have a meltdown or appointment or other event that upsets our tenuous routine. When I have tried to use planners in the past, it's been more stress than help. I ended up feeling like I was "chasing" dates and felt really guilty if we didn't complete things as written in on my schedule.

  23. I have 8 children and scheduling sometimes boxes me in and makes me less gracious to accept interruptions. I need guidance but not rigidity!

  24. I'm just starting this homeschooling journey with my two children, so this would be a wonderful resource! I was homeschooled in highschool, so I have an idea of what I'm in for, but having a plan and a way to keep track is so important!

  25. The hard part for me is trying to fill out a planner because they just seem to be overwhelming. I’ve wanted one to help with staying to a schedule but haven’t found one that clicks.

  26. Love it! I’m constantly on the planner search. This may be the end!

  27. We will be going into our second year homeschooling our five children so I'm still finding ever part of it daunting.

  28. Planning for four kiddos with the oldest starting middle School is terrifying me right now! This planner looks great!

  29. This sounds amazing! The most dautning part to me is not letting my plan bully me into feeling like a failure!

  30. I'm a Type A, Must-Have-A-Plan homeschooler, but, as you pointed out, always feel ahead in some subjects and behind in others. I've used the same planner as you for all of my homeschooling years, and I think you pointed out all of the "issues" I've had with it as well!!

  31. I really struggle sticking with a schedule because of a challenging toddler. This year she will be 3 and seems to be getting a little bit easier! What I really need to do is plan, not only for my big kids, but activities to keep her involved and occupied each day. Gathering the supplies and planning for her is seeming like a huge task!!! Thanks for mworking hard to help homeschool moms!

  32. I'm new to homeschooling so planning in general is overwhelming. I see so many awesome ideas that I would love to include but they either get lost in my brain or I forget where I write things down. Planning ahead will be great because that way I can be organized and less stressed.

    1. Not sure why it showed up as Unknown, but my name is Katie

  33. Um everything. This will be our first year and I'm a little overwhelmed. I want to be able to track what we do each day but I'm not using a open and close curriculum - I'm tailoring learning to her current goals and interests.I'm very type A so having a plannwr to keep track of where we are would be key. I bought one a while ago but I feel like using it would be a waste because right now it's jyst one kid and I wouldn't use all the extras.

  34. This is so great! I'm not sure how many planners I have begun to use, and then set aside because they were overwhelming!
    For me the most daunting part of this homeschool journey is finding the right balance between student led and forward progress.. I'm a list girl, I like to do things "in order", my child is the opposite and goes whichever way her heart pulls her. It's definitely hard for us to find a balance.

  35. The most daunting part to me is holding my plans loosely and not seeing it as a shortcoming if things need to change.

  36. Trying to pull all my plans and brainwaves together into one place is daunting!

  37. The most daunting part for me is to make a plan that has a routine to help my two girls but doesn't stifle my spontaneous personality!

  38. The most daunting part of planning is when I plan weeks in advance and then we get sick or something else happens and all my plan has to be scrapped!

  39. I have trouble with either writing everything down ahead of time and then only getting parts of days done and forever working in different weeks or days for different subjects. The other option being writing it in week by week. This tends to lead to not writing anything in for a few weeks because we're busy. Then things don't get done as carefully as I want. Roslyn

  40. This fall my oldest is going to be starting. My biggest concern is if my son will be patient each and every day for me. Having a planner will help keep track of what needs to get done, and what ends up getting done.

  41. Honestly finding the time to plan is daunting. Then I've found it's hard to find a planner that works well for all that I need - hoping yours may be the one!

  42. What I find daunting about planning is the length of time required to be faithful. The school year feels so long and I am tempted (I often do) peter out after a little while. My name is Laura Mack. [email protected] Thank you!

  43. Thank you for this opportunity! Love your book! I agree with Roslyn that I oscillate between writing lesson plans down to follow and writing down what we did for weeks. Part of this is likely my lack of a set time to plan/record each week, which is always something I'm pulling strings to be able to do. Can't wait to see this planner! Thank you for making it for larger families.Heather

  44. We need a plan and undated days of the week sings to my soul! This laid back type B mama loves that aspect of the planner! I strive for consistency in our days but usually I winging it! I’m so excited for this planner, thank you so much for a chance to win!! Can’t wait to read your book! Next pay day, it’ll be mine! God bless you!

  45. The daunting part of planning for me is fitting enough in the small amount of time I do have one on one with my son every day. I have an in home day care, so I only have 2 or 3 hours during nap time to spend one on one with him.

  46. My biggest concern after 5yrs of homeschooling is to finally get a schedule that works for 3 very different learners.

  47. I always find picking curriculum for the year to be the most daunting. After that, I do lesson plans weekly over the weekend, which always ends up being late on Sunday night to make sure I am ready for another week. I would like to come up with a better system.

  48. I agree with the first comment in that the most daunting part of homeschool planning for me is finding a balance between schedule and flexibility.

    1. Congratulations, Bridget! You are one of the winners of the Brave Homeschool Planner. Please send me an email at [email protected] to claim your prize!! Also, please tell me which version (full-color or B&W w/ colored accents) you would like.

  49. Honestly, I dread planning because it feels so overwhelmed. I'm not a naturally organized person, but I can appreciate the efficiency that comes with an organized approach to schooling.

  50. What a pretty planner! The most daunting part for me is finding the balance for educating our wide age ranges and learning styles!

  51. I like the planning process, but the part that is overwhelming to me is when "life" happens and I need to shift things around.

  52. Scheduling homeschooling with 5 kids and 4 in school is the most daunting task. I need something simple and user friendly so I will actually use it.

  53. This planner looks beautiful. So thankful you are offering a giveaway on it. For me, this year we have 1 going into high school, 1 going into middle school and 1 entering kindergarten. So I am a bit nervous about planning and balancing all the different needs.

  54. This will be our first full year homeschooling we started in February. I try to plan a week at a time but we always seem to fall "behind" what I have planned because I seem to misplace the paper that had the plan on it. This planner will hopefully help me be more organized and a better planner.

  55. Wow!! Next year I will have a 10th grade and an 8th grader as well as teaching 4 different classes for our Co-op! My overwhelmed meter is off the charts!

  56. I love planning, but I get easily daunted planning for each kid (4 that I homeschool) and keeping track of all of their events (I have 7 total)

    1. Congratulations, Pam! You are one of the winners of the Brave Homeschool Planner. Please send me an email at [email protected] to claim your prize!! Also, please tell me which version (full-color or B&W w/ colored accents) you would like.

  57. I like using a planner and currently we use the one our curriculum provides and it's only me who uses it, but I´m thinking on doing it a bit different next school year and letting 3 of my boys keep track of their own stuff, so we'll see how it works.

  58. I’m pretty good at creating a schedule- my problem is sticking to it and not giving up because something needs to be tweaked.

  59. My biggest struggle is sticking to it and staying organized!

  60. I always over plan, then it gets tossed by the wayside after a week or two. Finding something to stick with, but also gave the flexibility for field trips and friend visits, always proves difficult.

  61. Well, I don't plan at all...mostly because I feel like when I have in the past, I didn't follow it and then all my work was a waste of time. Now that I have 8 kids, it's easier to just "do the next lesson." --but things get missed. I know I need to just do it....

  62. Scheduling is SOOOO daunting for me. I hate schedules. But I feel my kids need them. So I bite the bullet for them. I try and fail so many times. ��

  63. This fall I'll have a spread of K, 3rd, 8th, and our twins in 9th. We are moving to our new farm and life will have even more moving parts. Keeping it all in order with a flexible planner will bless my family to not have a frazzled mama!

  64. I think the daunting part for me is just keeping order in the home and doing chores and staying motivated and getting the kids little jobs. The actual school part isn't that bad it's how to take turns and focus on other areas of home life while also prioritizing school.
    Jessica Wilson

  65. Keeping it all straight with 6 kids! And, of course, actually doing what is planned or something close to that:)

  66. The daunting part for me is turning the perfect homeschool day that exists in my head into something that is possible--as well as peaceful and fun--with six actual children. Also, not losing motivation when things don't go according to my plan--being able to cheerfully regroup and re-configure like a good-natured version of the quicksilver robot in Terminator 2!

  67. Wow, your dilemma with planners is mine too. I don't use any boxed curriculum or coops and have pieced our lessons together myself. I also have a job which makes our time a bit tight. So, planning is extremely important. It's also disheartening when things don't get done by a certain date because of "life". I'd love to try your planner!

  68. I have been "playing" homeschool for a couple of years now. I have done 2 years of 3 year old preschool for 2 of my children. We sent my oldest to a tiny,private pre-k and Kindergarten program the past 2 years because we had a baby and I didn't trust myself to teach her. So next year is my first "real" year of homeschool. I will have a pre-K and a 1st grader. I'm terrified. Being disciplined is NOT my strongsuit. I am planning to schedule out my year like you mentioned, but I'm not even sure how to tackle it. Even while playing at homeschool,I discovered that it all fell apart without a plan. Thanks for your work on this!!

  69. The most daunting thing for our homeschool year is fitting it all in! We have such great plans to accomplish x,y, and z this year but once we get started, it seems like we never get to it all! A planner would definitely help us stay on track!

  70. Sticking to the plan is the hardest part for us. We are a military family and it seems every time we get into a routine/schedule something changes.

  71. We have such a flexible, relaxed homeschool that I hate to commit anything to paper. Planners make me anxious so I would like to find one that will work for us or for my daughter who can use it for herself.

  72. Thank you. This planner looks great! I love planning, but I have the hardest time following through with the plans I've made. Maybe this would help.

  73. I love using planners but planners don't like me. I schedule something and then something comes up and it throws my who schedule to pieces. It is kinda of a love-hate relationship. I just need to find the right planner and learn how to use it. Your planner looks great.

  74. I love planning but the getting started is the most difficult. I struggle with not feeling overwhelmed.

  75. I struggle with using a planner for more than a few months. They never seem to fit my needs quite right. I love the tweaks you made to you planner. This may be just the right one for our home school!

  76. What I find daunting is new curriculum and the addition of a new baby due in August!

  77. It's time for a new style of planner. What I used this year works but I need something better. A planner that can put us on auto pilot when travel and unexpected events get us a little off.

  78. Just saw my comment was annonymous, but I wanted to add that I am committing myself to early planning and not waiting for the last minute....or worse yet, after we start school! Gina

  79. I have struggled to use a planner ever since I hung up the hat as a landscape architect/project manager and tried on the hat of motherhood. I scurry past the planners at Office Depot as if they are laced with something poisonous! When we decided to homeschool, I decided to simply start with the big wall calendar. As my children have grown and I've learned that routines keep us happy, its become clear that its time for a planner with a bit more detail! The thing that scares me the most is that I'll scrap my plan and have to change things up. However, you just showed me those fancy erasable pens! Between the pens and planner a fork in the road seems much more manageable!

    1. Yikes! Its June 2nd. I missed the deadline to enter! Should have had a planner!

  80. Is there any way I can see the weekly spread? It looks promising for my 4 kiddos but I would like to see it closer before I buy it. Thanks!

    1. The weekly spread is shown in the photo that is under the bold heading "It's a basic homeschool portfolio."

  81. Just keeping track of what 4 kids are doing each day is daunting! Some subjects are done individually, while others are done together. The weekly schedule has helped keep me sane!

  82. The daunting part of homeschool planning for me is feeling nailed to a date, and then feeling like a failure when we don’t accomplish what I planned.

  83. The daunting task for me is feeling like I’m not covering enough. Always wanting to do more but I don’t want to overwhelm my kids at the same time.

  84. The most daunting part for me is the actual planning part. This is only our third year homeschooling and I feel like I’m still trying to figure out what works for our family. Also it’s hard for me to plan so much since I have an almost 4 year old with zero interest in school that makes it all a little complicated and changes our plans quite a bit during our days of learning together. Would love the planner!!!

  85. Thank you so much for the give away. I don’t plan and I know that I should. It would make our school days a WHOLE lot easier. I really hope I win. Stephanie Ramsey

  86. The most daunting part of for me is that it matters this year how I track school! My oldest turns 7 this year which is when record keeping starts mattering in Indiana.

  87. Having multiple children to schedule multiple subjects is quite daunting. It most certainly helps to have the resources to schedule everyone’s lessons together as much as possible.

  88. Multiple children and lover of planning

  89. The most daunting part is just starting. Once I get started then i kind of enjoy it!!

  90. This planner is beautiful! I would use it to manage our schedule and keep track of what my kids are accomplishing.

  91. I just started reading your book and it's amazing! I'm a new homeschool mom I dont know much but I'm learning a lot. Thank you for all the support and for sharing your journey �� I bought a regular planner for the 20/21 �� and it is just not working, everything is crowded �� cant organize very well and there's pages I dont even need ����‍♀️ so what an awesome giveaway!
    Thanks again �� and God bless you and your family !
