What We're Reading in May 2020

What We're Reading in May 2020 #homeschool #booklist #kidlit

What does a bucket of mud have to do with a reading list? Well, I'm glad you asked.

It's just one example of how interests steer learning.
Let me explain...
We live in an area with a high clay count. You can dig a shallow hole in our backyard and scoop out truckloads of it. Since moving to this area last spring, my middle son has been slowly teaching himself how to extract, purify, and mold this natural clay to make pots, bowls, cups, and plates of all kinds.

In an effort to perfect his craft, he's been watching many youtube videos and reading as many books on the subject as he can. It's a learning process. Sometimes his creations form just the way he'd like them to and sometimes they don't. But even failure has its benefits. When a piece crumbles, cracks, or doesn't bake correctly, he must figure out why. He must tweak his methods and try again. That's learning!

He's currently working on a small matchstick container he's been commissioned to make for someone's woodburning stove. He's been reading one particular book to get some direction because books are the best learning companions.

He's not the only one learning through books. Here's what we're all reading and learning about this month.

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What We're Reading in May 2020 #homeschool #booklist #kidlit

Read Aloud- everybody

The Saturdays- This is the first in a series of books about the Melendy family, a lively bunch who live in a brownstone in the heart of New York City. Written in the mid-20th century and reprinted for modern audiences, the entire series is a wholesome misadventure that has experienced a resurgence in popularity thanks in part to a few modern series that copy its family-centric plotlines including The Penderwicks and The Vanderbeekers.

Jamie- that's me!

What's So Amazing About Grace- I'm half-way done with my April pick for the Storied Mom Reading Challenge. It came highly recommended to me a couple of years ago by a personal mentor of mine and has been collecting dust on my TBR stack ever since. While I love the topic of Grace and feel like several parts of the book contain unbelievable gems, on the whole, I'm not completely loving it. The writing style is a bit too random and disjointed for my taste. The chapters feel like unrelated essays.

Little Women- We all have a book that we're slightly embarrassed to admit we've never read--some title that everyone seems to have read and loved but us. For me, it's Little Women. While I read large portions of it in high school and college, I never completed it. It's my May pick for the Storied Mom Reading Challenge

How Happiness Happens- I'm listening to this one on Libby, the library's free audio app. I'm on the last chapter and have really enjoyed it. Admittedly, it's a light read. There's nothing too earth-shattering or life-changing about the content. It's mostly just an upbeat reminder to fight for joy, be content, and spread the kindness of Christ to a world that desperately needs it.

As a side note, I'm definitely glad I chose to listen to the audio version instead of reading it silently to myself. The narrator was well-chosen. His cheerful, grandfatherly timbre definitely adds to the overall tone of the book.

Over the next seven weeks, I will be taking an online Biblical counseling class that my church is offering. As a participant, I'll be working through the following two books and will be using what I've learned in discussions and roll-play scenarios. 

Sweetie Pea- 11th grade/college freshman

Something Needs to Change- Last month, my daughter joined hundreds of other Christians around the US in an all-night event called Secret Church hosted by one of her favorite pastors and writers, David Platt. This month, she'll be reading Platt's most recent book that details his own week-long trek through the Himalayas in order to call Christians to stop talking about their faith and start living it.

Super Boy- 8th grade

The Purpose Driven Life- I'm slowly putting together a discipleship reading list for my son similar to the one I put together for my daughter as she entered high school. The Purpose Driven Life is a great start for any teen. It's short but very pointed chapters are easy to digest and can help shape a person's worldview. This particular version has been updated and expanded to meet the needs of the current culture. 

Blonde Warrior- 7th grade

The Heir of Mistmantle- This is the third book in the Mistmantle Chronicles, a series of five books about a kingdom of squirrels. Written in a similar style as The Green Ember series and The Wilderking Trilogy, this wholesome fantasy collection has been a hit with my son.

He tore through the first two books, is almost done with this one, and has the last two books already pulled from the shelves in anticipation of a long weekend of reading. 

Greased Lightning- 5th grade

Pottery: A Manual of Technique- This out-of-print, pictorial pottery coursebook has been a perfect addition to my son's reading list. He's never been much for fiction, preferring biographies, animal guides, and How-To manuals instead. While a book about pottery might seem rather boring to the average 10-year-old, my autodidactic can't seem to read it fast enough.

Runt- He also just started this book about four wolf pups born in the northern woods of Minnesota and their little wolf brother, Runt.

The Dude- 2nd grade

Henry and the Clubhouse- As I mentioned last month, my youngest son has made a goal for himself to read through all the Beverly Cleary "Henry" books. He's currently working his way through this one that tells of Henry's attempt to build a boy's only clubhouse with his newspaper route earnings. 

That's what we'll be reading this month. How about you? Whatcha reading?

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