8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

Like me, my middle son is a word nerd. He likes to read. He likes to write. So, when it came time to create a curriculum list for him, I naturally included resources that would help nurture his love for words. 

Because he's only got one more year before high school, I'm slowly easing him into a more robust schedule. 8th grade will be a chance for him to dig deep without having the pressure of a grade point average or a transcript to maintain. It'll be like a trial run.

Here's what he'll be learning.
(Because we only homeschool 4 days a week, you can assume that all subjects will be completed four times each week unless otherwise indicated.)

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8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

Content-rich subjects

As always, he'll do all of his content-rich subjects like Morning time/Bible, history, science, art, and creative writing with his older siblings. You can see those curriculum choices here>>>


  • LLATL The Gray Book (Use coupon code unlikelyhomeschool at checkout to get 15% off your entire purchase from Common Sense Press, the makers of LAHTL.)
  • Finish All About Spelling Level 6. 
  • Read for pleasure (every day). 
  • Read the following books that correspond with the LLATL Gray Book. 
God's Smuggler
A Lantern in Her Hand
Eric Liddell  
  • If he's not currently working through an LLATL suggested book, he will read a chapter from a book that I assign to him. These will be classics, biographies, or exceptional fiction. You can keep up with those here>>
  • Word Roots Level 1- He'll complete the first half of the book this year. 

    Creative Writing

    In addition to our group squiggle stories each week, he'll continue using the following resources that he began last year.

    The Story Writing Idea Journal- This will help him to keep all his writing ideas in one spot.

    He'll casually read through the following writing craft books for kids:


    Typing- 1x a week

    World View

    • Who Is My Neighbor?- I highly recommend every single title in this four-volume What We Believe series! 

      Life Skills

      • Co-op for two enrichment type classes- 2x a month
      • Clean his room and make his bed each day.
      • Daily chores: sweep the kitchen, rinse the dinner dishes, sort the laundry in the laundry room
      • Weekly Chores for his child-of-the-day privileges and responsibilities: help make lunch/dinner and do two loads of laundry (Wednesdays)
      • Monthly Chores: three chores that he randomly selects from our chore jar one Saturday each month
      • Manual to Manhood (read 1x a week, practice 3x a week)- This is a book that he'll complete over the next couple of years. Since some of the units do not currently apply to him, he will only read through the following three sections during 7th grade: Social Skills & Manners, Grooming & Personal Hygiene, Clothing & Style (This mostly deals with learning to do laundry and ironing clothes.)

      His 8th-grade year will be his most intense to date. Like his sister and brother before him, he'll do less group learning and more independent study. It will take some determination and sticktoitiveness on his part. But, I've no doubt he's up for the challenge.


      1. I really enjoy and appreciate these curriculum posts! Thanks so much for putting these together each year.

      2. Can I ask why you're choosing to send him to highschool? And not just continuing homeschool until he's 17?

        1. I'm not sending him to high school. He'll do high school at home but his course load will be a bit more rigorous because he'll be working towards a transcript that will be accepted by his college choice.

      3. Also, most employees want an adult with at least a highschool diploma to start work. If you're not planning on sending to an accredited school to receive a highschool diploma, what will they be able to show? I'm asking for my own curiosity. My twins are 13 and I've been wanting to homeschool since they were in elementary school but just didn't think I could do it. But now that they're older I want to , but I'm just curious about once they turn 18 and work and just the after school life. Thanks for any info 😁

        1. Homeschoolers can grant diplomas in most states. He will also have a completed transcript to show to any post-high school programs.

      4. I always look forward to seeing what you choose for curriculum each year. My eight grader is also an aspiring writer, so it was interesting to see your choices to encourage your son in writing. I had just found The Writer's Notebook and we are excited to use it. We will be checking out your two other selections. Have a great year!

      5. What publisher is the Earth Science through?

      6. This series is my favorite for etymology for middle school and early high school years. Just enough practice and usage activities before moving on to another set of words. Very easy to understand. My daughter can work in this book independently.

      7. We are just about to start homeschooling. We have a soon to be second grader and 8th grader. I am feeling drawn to the curriculum you have chosen for your 8th grader. Have you saved your other grade level curriculums you've used in the past? I would love to see what you did. Thank you so much!

      8. Yes, if you click on the Curriculum tab at the top of the website, you'll see all the curriculum we've used since 2011. If you're viewing from a phone, the tab might not show up so you can head to this link instead>>>https://theunlikelyhomeschool.net/search/label/Curriculum

      9. Hello. I am so happy to have found your page. I have never homeschooled and this year I decided to do it. I have 2 girls who will be going to 7th and 8th grade. Can they be taught together since they are so close in age. Or should I keep it separate. I feel so lost. Especially when it comes to curriculums. We are in New York state. Any help,I will appreciate.

        1. They can definitely be taught their content subjects together. The core subjects like math and language arts may need to be separated, but maybe not. I combine math for my middle boys who are also in 7th and 8th. I go into detail about combining subjects in my Quick-Start Guide to Homeschooling Multiple Ages guide. you can find it here>>https://theunlikelyhomeschool.net/p/shop.html#!/The-Quick-Start-Guide-to-Brave-Homeschooling-Multiple-Ages/p/377183342/category=0
