The 10 Most Popular Posts of 2020

The 10 Most Popular Posts of 2020 on The Unlikely Homeschool

According to a recent poll by Education Week, the number of families who choose to homeschool more than doubled in America this past fall. 

With the pandemic making traditional classroom environments less-than-ideal, it's no wonder that so many parents decided to bring the learning home. Needless to say, books and blogs about homeschooling were trending on all the charts.

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The audiobook of Homeschool Bravely debuted at #1 on Amazon and maintained that coveted spot for many weeks. And my little place here on the interwebs? Well, it was definitely a bit busier than usual. 

As always, a few older posts like this one about setting your day on autopilot by using Task Cards or this one about our simplified morning time received plenty of attention. 

But due to the crazy times, a few nearly forgotten ones caught your eye too, like this one called Teaching Your Kids About the Election Process and this one that includes my recipe for the Best Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls. (I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one doing emotional baking while in lockdown...or emotional eating, for that matter.)

I did write a handful of new posts for you too. In case you missed them the first time around, here's a recap of the best-of-the-best...or at least the ones that were most well-read by homeschool parents like you.

The Most-Read Posts of 2020 on The Unlikely Homeschool

You CAN Create a High School Transcript, Homeschool Mom!

After teaching in the classroom for seven years and homeschooling the last 13, I've learned a few things about tests and measurements. First and foremost, although you don't have to have a bunch of letters behind your name to create a watertight high school transcript, it is helpful to have some basic direction. My Brave High School Record-Keeping for Homeschoolers pack will give you the tools to create a successful four-year plan. 

You CAN Create a High School Transcript, Homeschool Mom!

5 Common Mistakes Parents Make When Teaching Reading

Are you currently teaching a child to read? Be sure to avoid these 5 common mistakes in order to make the process easier and more enjoyable right from the start.

5 Common Mistakes Parents Make When Teaching Reading to Kids

A Christian Woman's Guide to Finding Clean & Captivating Fiction Books

For years, I gravitated towards non-fiction. As a Christian woman who's compelled to honor the directives found in Philippians 4:8, I found fiction books to be tricky to navigate. They were either clean but not very captivating or captivating but not at all clean.

But, with the help of a few trusted vetting sites and book lists, I'm reading lots of fiction again! Here is a list of resources to help you find fiction worth reading.

A Christian Woman's Guide to Finding Clean & Captivating Fiction Books

Co-op's Been Canceled, Now What? Learning Ideas for Already Homeschoolers

Contrary to what social media says, a global pandemic hasn't just affected the kids in the traditional classroom. Homeschooling in the midst of a worldwide crisis has not been the same kind of homeschooling that we've all been used to. We, too, have been stuck inside. We, too, have faced endless hours of sameness. Here are some ideas to help add some jazz hands to an otherwise boring day.

Co-op's Been Canceled, Now What? Learning Ideas for Already Homeschoolers

From Public School to Homeschool: 5 Tips for the Transition

At the start of Covid, I received a lot of messages that looked something like this: "This forced entry has convinced me that being with my kids all day every day is actually pretty great. I think when all of this is over, I’m just gonna keep on homeschooling them. But if truth be told, I’m not sure what I’m doing. It all seems hard. Is it hard for everyone else?” My best advice for how to make the transition from public school to homeschool is to deschool. Here's what that looks like in real-time.

From Public School to Homeschool: 5 Tips for the Transition

Nurturing a Hyggelig Homeschool

Cozy. Peaceful. Calm.
I'd venture to guess that when you began thinking of homeschooling, these were the words that played on permanent repeat in your head. You envisioned pastoral scenes--children meandering through lush fields, collecting nature samples in hand-woven baskets or gathered on an heirloom quilt in the backyard, reading a hardbacked classic out loud to one another. You hoped for the stuff of Instagram.

But a few months in, and you're realizing that your homeschool looks nothing like the picture on the front of the homeschool catalog. Your days are loud. Disordered. Chaotic.
Here's how you can change all that.

Nurturing a Hyggelict Homeschool

15 Chapter Book Series Young Boys Will Love

Here is my list of quick, pull-out books that will help to fill in the gaps for kids who have learned to read but who don't have the attention span or desire to only/always read literary fiction.

15 Chapter Book Series Young Boys Will Love

40+ MUST READ Books for Christian Teen Boys

When I published my list of MUST READ books for Christian teen girls several years ago, I promised that I'd make a companion list for boys someday. Well, someday has arrived. And what's more, I've made the list printable so that you can have it on hand for your son.

40+ MUST READ Books for Christian Teen Boys

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

Not all homeschool subjects are created equal. When compiling curriculum choices for five different age spans last summer, I had to separate skills-based subjects from content-oriented subjects. This had always helped me teach five different grade levels while still maintaining my sanity in the past and I knew that this year would be no exception.  

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2020-2021

50+ Virtual Field Trips to Take When You're Stuck at Home

Stuck inside? Cabin fever getting the better of you and yours? There's no reason to let an at-home season or a closed-door policy keep you from great learning adventures. We are living in an unprecedented time of digital equity--an era when the whole wide world is as close as a click of a button.

Here is a big fat list of field trip destinations from all across the globe that you can "visit" from the comfort of your couch. No season ticket, security clearance, or special gear required.

50+ Virtual Field Trips to Take When You're Stuck at Home

It's been nine years since I first started plunking down my thoughts about homeschooling here on The Unlikely Homeschool. Every year, I'm always kind of surprised to see which posts resonate with fellow homeschoolers and which ones fall flat. 

I'm curious to know which posts you found the most helpful? What would you like to read more about as we kick off the new year? I'd love to hear from you!

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